Falcon wind turbines are the ideal solution for Companies looking for energy independence and a significant reduction in electricity bills. Both Ryse Energy and FALCON turbines generate 240V electricity.

This makes it very easy to connect them to the building`s installation (in the same way we connect typical photovoltaics to our grid).

The only thing to remember is that in order to connect the wind turbine to the building`s installation, we need a suitable inverter, designed for the turbines and properly matched to their power.

wind turbine on the roof

We can input the electricity generated by the wind turbine into our home grid in two ways:

On-Grid System - connected to the grid

The energy produced by the wind turbine is used on an ongoing basis for our own needs and we can accumulate the excess energy in batteries, energy banks.

If the wind turbine has produced more energy than we need at any given time, we can possibly inject (sell) this surplus into the grid, thus lowering our grid electricity bills.

On grid falcon turbine installation scheme
Off-Grid System - not connected to the grid

The energy produced by the wind turbine is used on an ongoing basis for our own needs and the excess energy can be accumulated in various types of batteries ( banks) of energy.

Off grid falcon turbine installation scheme

The 2.0 kW turbine can be attached to the side of buildings. This is made possible by specialized Falcon arms. The best solution in this case is to use tall buildings : warehouses, silos, production halls, stables, etc., which with their heights offer the best wind conditions, often being the tallest buildings in the area.

If we have the possibility to place the turbine mast on the ground, which is the best solution in terms of efficiency, we can use both Falcon and Ryse Energy turbines, with large capacities: 3kW, 5kW. 10kW, 20kW, 50kW.

wind turbines 3 photos collage

Like many other items of business equipment, wind turbines can also be financed in the form of leasing for Companies or credit. It is also worth taking advantage of various subsidy programs - first of all, the subsidy program "My wind turbine " (application intake from 17.06.2024.).

The selection of the appropriate turbine (its power) can easily be made on the basis of an analysis of the annual electricity consumption that appears on the bill from the grid energy supplier. We also recommend conducting a simple survey of wind conditions using a Falcon weather station, or enlisting the help of our specialists to take such measurements and to discuss installation details.

wind turbine accessories

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Poniżej - moce turbin wiatrowych Falcon Silent oraz ich średnioroczna produkcja energii elektrycznej.

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